Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I got a new computer! Which is rad because now I can make gifs and work from home and watch Netflix in bed and make gifs and talk to girls on AIM while I'm in the bathroom and make gifs. Today I downloaded a bunch of Waka Flocka mixtapes while I was taking a shit, the future is so cool.


This is the only album on my computer right now but I was gonna upload it here anyways eventually. You probably already have this but if you don't you're an idiot so here you go. Every single song is a hit. Definite best of 2010 right here. This is where I got my signature drunk headshake from, ITS THAT FLOCKAVISION BABY! BOW! BOW! BOW! BOW! BOW! BOW! BOW! BOW! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! FLOCKA! BRRIIIIIIICKKKKKSQQQQUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!

To purchase: um go to like the grocery store or 7-11 or something.
To listen: turn on the damn radio.
To download: here.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

i miss my old van

and all it's hanging skeletons and bobble heads and hula dancers and t&c surf stickers and how fucking fast it was for no reason at all and how it got too hot inside because you sat on the engine and how you could jump it really high off speed bumps and how everybody would go flying in the air and how it never had the back seats and how we could just have like 10 people sitting in there drinking before shows and how the stereo was louder outside than inside and how the horn sounded like a dying duck if it ever worked and doing sick burnouts in front of friends houses and how my first memory of it was my grandpa driving it on ice and crashing it into the side of the mountain closing down the highway when i was 4 and how when i was 6 i loved spinning in the backseats while my grandpa listened to frank sinatra cassettes and drove us to hometown buffet and how when i was almost 16 i took it without telling my parents and hit a curb really hard and when i was 18 those dickhead jocks side swiped me and threw $10 out the window and told me to go wash my car before speeding away and driving it to mexico with a car full of punks and hitting 110mph and feeling like we were floating and getting to the border and everyone was asleep and we just turned around and came home

and then i sold it for $50.

Sunday, December 12, 2010



Definitely one of my favorite releases of 2010 and I'm not just saying that because it's my friend Faiza's band. Faiza (ex-Hatred Surge) does vocals on this nasty little bonecrusher, sounding angry and hateful as ever. Think heavy, heavy, heavy powerviolence. Female vocals. Growly chugging guitars.

You used to be able to buy this from Financial Ruin but I'm not seeing it on their website, I think it was re-released by RSR Records, maybe try that? Or maybe just hit up the Mindless Myspace. Or just maybe go and see them on tour? They're gonna be hitting up the west coast for New Year's. Here is their schedule:

Dec 26. Austin, TX -------- TOUR KICK OFF -----------------

Dec 27. Phoenix, AZ w/ Get Destroyed, Sex Prisoners, Elders, Avon Ladies plus more @ Sound Kontrol

Dec 28. Bakersfield, CA - On Parade, Don't Ask Don't Tell @ 1405 Radcliffe Ave

Dec 29. Los Angeles, CA - The Blvd

Dec 31. Olympia, WA w/ Weird TV

Jan 1. - Portland, OR w/Cervix and Bog People @ Blackwater Records

Jan 2. - Oakland, CA @ Your Haus (444 Harrison St., Oakland) WITH: Badr Vogu, Cardboard Funeral (ex-California Love), Reivers and Hesitation Wounds

Jan 3. Isla Vista, CA w/ Caculators, Innards, Adobe Homes @ Pink Mailbox (6668 Pasado Road)

Jan 4. Tucson, AZ

Jan 5. Albuquerque, New Mexico

Jan 6. Okalahoma City, OK

Jan 7. Ft Worth, TX w/ High Anxieties, End Times, Busted Outlook, Special Guest @ 1919 Hemphill


I HAVENT UPDATED THIS IN FOREVER WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!!! I'm going to go home and post some more albums for you to download (or not download I'm not sure anyone actually reads this) but I was thinking of maybe just uploading my favorite albums from 2010? Because that seems to be a cool thing to do?

I think I will post the Mindless 7", Diocletian - War Of All Against All, and Roach Gigz - Roachy Balboa. In the meantime here is a video I took at Jesse Spears' art sale on the freeway overpass. We liked making the cars honk and making the motorcycle make weird space alien UFO sounds. If you click this video you will hear a bunch of honking and girls screaming. How good does it feel to scream? And get honked at? And to hear people scream and get honked at. Just let it all out. WHOC ARES?

Thursday, June 24, 2010



That sold it for me. Seeing them live sealed the deal. Back to the classic Man is the Bastard sound with a classic Man is the Bastard lineup. So gnarly!!!

Wood's description:

A paramount product of composition, sonic-rendering and package, this second volume of BASS/PERCUSSION/ELECTRONICS structured work realizes the full, true power of “THE SKULL” as a critical force in contemporary musical expression. Here “spun-steel-girder” virtuoso ERIC WOOD and Trogotronic “electronic-ace” W T NELSON are joined by original MAN IS THE BASTARD master-drummer JOEL CONNELL for what could become the most interesting T.B.N combination to date following the departure of DANNY WALKER (INTRONAUT/PHOBIA/MURDER CONSTRUCT) and his unmatched performance in the previous line-up.
“A CULTURE OF MONSTERS” revives the depiction of “odyssey” via music and challenges the imagination in unprecedented manner. Arrangements for “A.C.O.M.” span a wide range of unrelenting, progressive and atmospheric expression without compromising potency or dynamic color.
True to the “skull-tradition” of collaboration T.B.N. enlisted the efforts of many “trusted-skulls” to complete this endeavor, most noteworthy project guests: NATHAN MARTIN (CREATION IS CRUCIFIXTION) who performs the spoken-word title manifesto & MIKE REYNOLDS (LACK OF INTEREST) who deployed his own particular brand of mighty vocal havoc on a key track. Producer MICHAEL ROZON (“ROGUE ASTRONAUT” / “THE RED LIST”) “serves the skull” anew, commanding his lethal battery of audio artillery to deliver this intricate and devastating assembly.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This isn't some tunes you can jam out to or anything just a portrait of myself from 0200am.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Take every fucking cliche description of the most brutal death metal band you've ever heard toss em in a pan and stir fry that shit and that's how I'd describe this album. PURE RAW BRUTALITY so god damn heavy so nuts man!! No weird tech prog metal bullshit (although that stuff is cool sometimes too) - this is just straight up SLAMMIN. When my mom used to pick my friends and I up after high school I'd always put on some tape I knew she'd hate just to fuck with her. Back then it was often Assuck - Misery Index or some Phobia tape or something, but if I was still getting picked up by mom in 2010 it would for sure be this album. The first time I listened to this my roommates were home so I had my volume sort of low and I couldn't really make out much of what was going on. Listened to it a second time when I was home alone and could be as loud as I want and it was like WHOA THIS SHIT RULES.

I don't really know too much about the band, just know this came out in 2010 and it's only two dudes. They're from like Texas or Georgia or something according to the internet but I don't really know. I just know this shit bangs hard. And look at that cover art!! What the hell is that!!! It's like this weird glow in the dark raver spider satanic death thing, is that writing at the bottom? What language is that? I have no idea what the hell is going on I just know it rules, which kind of sums up how I feel about this whole album.
From another review: "Pretty much the darkest and most evil sounding death metal band to recently surface, Vasaeleth are about as non-technical, non-produced and non-easy listening as it gets within the genre of death metal. "

Friday, June 18, 2010


This band fucking rips, they're from Chile. Chile has a lot of cool and weird shit so I guess it makes sense. They got Easter Island (!!) and glaciers and that weird Nazi dude Paul Schaefer that fled to Chile and started Colonia Dignidad which was that cult where he molested and tortured all the kids. Josef Mengele aka THE ANGEL OF DEATH hung out there for a bit and did all sorts of fucked up stuff. Chile is kind of crazy!

Anyways, I just recently heard this band for my first time, this album came out in December 08 though. Super fast like full speed ahead blazing shit kinda like Absu's Barathrum album but more punishing and less cheesy but still totally satanic and dark, you won't get bored with it if that's what you're afraid of. "Perversor offers a deadly combination of true black metal while maintaining a foothold in the sounds of Satanic deaththrash that will evoke the primal instincts of all who have the guts to listen." - How cool does that sound?